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Today is the Day! Meet The Little Labradoodle

Tell me about the connection story with your fur babies. Our rescue cats, Karma and Kismet, connected with our family thanks to two sweet, little ladies managing a small rescue operation within their home. After an intensive, borderline offensive, vetting process, we arranged a date to head out to meet the mother-daughter cats, for a double adoption. The rest is history, our cats rule our home. Labradoodles are charming crossbreed dogs, bred between Labrador Retriever and Standard, Medium, or Miniature Poodles. Sharing adorable tales of Brady, the little Labradoodle, April Cox unfolds a delightful, empowering series of books families will love reading and re-reading. Today is the day! Meet The Little Labradoodle.

Thank you to the Little Labradoodle Publishing Team for the courtesy of providing gratuitous promotional material for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.

Today is the Day! Meet The Little Labradoodle
Originating as a passion project, loving grandmother-turned-author, April M. Cox, decided to leave her grandchildren a legacy. The Little Labradoodle series of adorable children's books became her legacy project inspired by her own little Labradoodle, Brady. Readers of all ages will find amusement, kindness, and empowerment in the rhythmic messages and brilliant illustrations of The Little Labradoodle series of books and companion products.

Taking us along on the exciting journey to meet his forever family, Brady bounces along learning lessons of acceptance and love through his adventure. Simple and sweet, the story of The Little Labradoodle: Puppy Pickup Day features vibrant illustrations created by Len Smith, a former Disney Illustrator, giving life to each of the friends encountered within the book. 

Join so many others by participating in The Little Labradoodle KLUB embracing Kindness, Love, Unity, and Bravery. Little Labradoodle Publishing books are available in on Amazon and online in hardcover, paperback, companion coloring books, lesson plans, and digital downloads and audio books in English and Spanish. There are also adorable Little Labradoodle plush toys and tote bag gift sets for purchase.

As the owner of this blog, niecyisms, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This blog may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This blog abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
