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Your Rockstar Reading Log to Power Up Summer Reading

Seeing a Scholastic book fair, book order form, or store will always bring me overwhelming moments of excitement and nostalgia. As a child the only time that I was more thrilled would be when my teacher handed me my order of new books to read. As long as I can remember reading has been one of my favorite ways to explore new adventures. Now, when I see my kids hand me their monthly Scholastic book order form sent home by their teachers, I'm excited for to experience their enthusiasm as they scan through the enticing reading selections. Scholastic, globally renowned children's publishing, education, and media company, has launched Scholastic Summer Reading fun. Summer days are ideal for DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) days getting kids to take full advantage of summer reading. Grab your fave books and download your Rockstar Reading Log to power up summer reading today!

Participation in Scholastic's Summer Reading is an educational adventure which helps prevent learning loss children often face during summer vacation, referred to as the "summer slide". Summer reading, is more accessible with 200,000 books donated by Scholastic. Teaming up with United Way Worldwide, the world's largest privately funded non-profit, donated books will be distributed across the country to areas where high-quality books are needed most. 

"It is an undeniable equity issue that many kids don't have access to books when school is not in session and too many kids are missing out on rich summer reading experiences. This must be addressed to ensure no matter where a child lives, they have the books and reading time needed to ensure they return to school reading-ready and on grade-level," said Richard Robinson, Chairman, President and CEO of Scholastic. "Through Scholastic Summer Read-a-Palooza and working with United Way, booksellers, and libraries nationwide, we will expand access to books across the country while supporting parents and educators in their effort to keep kids reading this summer."

"United Way believes that children deserve a strong start in life and we help to make that possible by empowering parents, improving the quality of early learning environments, and offering solutions, like our work with Scholastic, to challenges outside the classroom," said Mary Sellers, U.S. President, United Way Worldwide. "United Way is honored to be a part of the Scholastic Summer Read-a-Palooza, and it's worthwhile mission: to put more books in the hands of more children everywhere, especially those who need them most.

Reading is an essential life skill for children to acquire for future academic success. Take time to explore your fave books and keep track of your summer reading with this Rockstar Reading Log!

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