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Find Your Angel on Assignment to Create an Inspiring Tradition of Love

Are there angels here on Earth? I've always believed in the wonders of angels. Some people devote much of their time looking around for signs that angels exist, while their angels are looking down, surrounding them with love and protection each day. Expecting amazing acts of seemingly impossible acts of hope, we may not realize that we just might be the face of an angel for someone else in their time of need. Random acts of kindness are angelic in nature, and happen all around us, morning, noon, and night. Take a look around you to find or even become an angel on assignment to create an inspiring tradition of love for others to follow.

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Find Your Angel on Assignment to Create an Inspiring Tradition of Love

"Always look around for those people in need,Simply say a kind word or do a good deed.Sometimes it's the little things,That remind us of angels' wings."

Indulging in our quiet time before bedtime, my son and I shared a moment to read Angel on Assignment, An Angelic Tradition written by Wanda Carter Roush. Brilliantly created, this award-winning book tells the story of the importance of guardian angels in our lives, protecting girls, boys, family, friends, and strangers. 

Filled with delightful, vivid illustrations designed by Mike Motz and Alicia Young, and paired with the author's rhythmic storytelling, give life to the beauty of Angel on Assignment. Bringing creativity to the creation of their own angels, simple to follow, step-by-step instructions, a reproducible paper angel, and imagination allow readers to showcase their own angels to keep or share.

We're all encouraged to remember to act as angels in disguise for friends in need of help. Reading through the Angel on Assignment story, be sure to find the many angels on assignment to hidden within the pages of book. 

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