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What You Need to Do Before Saying Goodbye For Now

I was a teenager when I first attended a funeral. My grandmother's funeral was quite lovely, I would imagine, as I cannot recall one single detail of the heartbreaking ceremony. Having an especially close relationship with my grandmother made her transition very difficult for me to process. Somehow, a seemingly routine medical procedure resulted in an early morning phone call to my grandfather before he dashed off to the hospital, only to return home hours later, alone. Our family never really discussed death and grieving. It was surprising for me to find myself asking my grandmother if she was afraid as she hugged me before leaving to go to the hospital. Even more unexpected was her response, admitting that she was indeed afraid. This quick moment of honesty was in fact our very last conversation- for now. I've since learned what you need to do before saying goodbye for now.

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What You Need to Do Before Saying Goodbye For Now

Looking back, having been more prepared for the day my grandmother passed away may have helped with my emotional well-being in the days following her death. Many of us are at a loss for words when it comes to facing the inevitability of death. Personally, I continue to struggle with finding the best way to approach the subject. Acclaimed Counselor and author, Welby O'Brien offers us a valuable resource for us in her comprehensive book, Goodbye for Now, providing practical advice and spiritual support.

"Goodbye for Now will assist, comfort, and encourage those who have lost a loved one. Author Welby O'Brien not only tackles the urgent, immediate tasks such as planning the service and handling financial matters, but also offers help and hope for the long journey of healing ahead."

Whether preparing for or in the midst of loss or reaching out to comfort those currently grieving, Goodbye For Now: Practical Help and Personal Hope for Those Who Grieve, shares trustworthy steps toward a better understanding of mourning. Honestly, I am in a place where it's less challenging for me to read and process the wealth of information in smaller segments, as opposed to managing the entire book at once. Some of us will be more sensitive to thoughts and discussions focused on the serious subject matter of personal loss.

Highly recommended reading, Goodbye For Now is a strong, inspirational reminder for us all to appreciate each day and those we are fortunate enough to share our precious moments with here on Earth. With the simply delivered messages of comfort, readers gain the takeaway of what you need to do before saying, "Goodbye For Now".

About The Author

Welby O'Brien holds a master's degree in counseling from Portland State University and a teaching degree from Biola University. She has also authored Formerly a Wife and Love Our Vets: Restoring Hope for Families of Veterans with PTSD, and is a contributing author to Chicken Soup for the Soul, as well as Shepherding Women in Pain. 100% of all author proceeds go back into our work of help and hope for divorce, PTSD, and grief.

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