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Top 10 Time-Saving Tips for Daily Family Activities

Does it ever seem like there just isn't enough time in a day to manage all of the day-to-day activities your routine requires? Each day I awake with the highest of hopes for accomplishing all of the goals that I have set for myself. All to often I feel like I'm over-promising and under-delivering to family and friends. Recently, I've added a useful, new tool to help me out when it comes to time management with style, thanks to a new collaboration from Seiko and The Coca-Cola Company. Try out these top 10 time-saving tips for using a timer to keep up with your daily family activities.
Thank you to Seiko and The Coca-Cola Company and their promotional team for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes.

Top 10 Time-Saving Tips for Daily Family Activities

Pop culture is so eclectic and fun. It's always a great twist when fun meets function. Helping us to keep up with changing times, the recent collaboration from Seiko and The Coca-Cola Company sets the pace for arriving on time, with style. Would you believe that at exactly the same time as Kintaro Hattori was planning to open his Seikosha factory creating his first ever wall clock, Doc Pemberton in Atlanta, Georgia created a cool, refreshing soft drink? Both of these iconic brands are celebrating 130 years in business this year and have collaborated on some trendy clock designs.

We're managing out time with a Coca Cola Travel Alarm Clock. Setting this tech-free timer keeps time management fun and friendly with a brightly designed travel alarm (3.5" Height x 3.5" Width x 2" Length) ideal for use at-home and on-the-go. Here are our top 10 time saving tips for using a timer effectively in your daily family activities. 

1- Fast Fun - Set the timer for team or solo play within a specific area or with certain choice activities either indoors or outdoors.

2- Music & Movement - Turn up the tunes or make your own band for some high energy or relaxing sounds.

3- Me & You Time - Set aside a moment to share with your kids, family, or friends, near or far. Enjoy time playing games, reading, or simply chatting.

4- Quick Clean - Every now and then the need to organize an area before moving on to the next activity calls for dedicated tidying up time.

5- Tech Time - When we hear the alarm chime, you are out of time. No ifs, ands, or buts. You're done for now, sometimes adults need a gentle reminder too.

6- Splish Splash - Bubble bath fun can last for hours if I don't step in to intervene. While showers can happen in under a minute. Using a timer will help manage bath time.

7- Power Down - After an overwhelming day, slow down the pace for the kids and yourself with a calming, quiet period to recharge.

8- Personal Space - We ALL need time to balance ourselves. Each person is allowed to ask to set the timer for an appropriate time and space to simply be uninterrupted. 

9- Reading Routine - We've adopted DEAR (Drop Everything And Read) where we take a reading break for an allotted period of time.

10- Secret Mission - If you are about to do something fun like go to the park or set off for vacation, set the timer until the excitement happens.

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