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Send Your Note of Gratitude to Support America's Adopt A Soldier® for Their Service


My father served in the United States Army before I was born just a moment before midnight on a cold December night. We have very few photos of that time in his life, even though I'm positive there were more memorable moments than I'd ever know, as he passed away suddenly. There are so many moments where I wish I were able to reach out and talk with my Dad, just one more time. Imagine the heartache of veterans and active duty service members in veterans homes, hospitals or currently deployed. Many of our service members are in need of encouragement and support for their service and sacrifices. Far too often, there are feelings of loneliness, especially during the holiday seasons for Active, Reserve, Guard, Retired, Homeless, Wounded Service members and their families. We can reach out today to touch hearts by sending your note of gratitude today to support America's Adopt A Soldier® for their service to our country.

Send Your Note of Gratitude to Support America's Adopt A Soldier® for Their Service

2019 marks the ninth year that America’s Adopt A Soldier® will reach out to America to ask for cards of thanks to share with our nation’s service members who are deployed and veterans who are in state veterans homes and hospitals.

“In 2018, over 200,000 care letters were shared," said Mary Keeser, America’s Adopt A Soldier ® Founder. "This year, the goal is to reach over 300,000, which would allow us to send at least four letters to every veteran in a veterans home or veterans hospital as well as to our deployed service members.”

“The cards and letters we receive are drawn or written by a diverse group of individuals, from 3 years-old to the over 100 years- old," Mary adds. From kitchen tables to classrooms, to businesses, to college dorms to faith-based establishments, the pens, pencils, crayons and pieces of paper used to create messages of hope, appreciation, unity and support will have a positive impact. The letters of care are truly the caring pulse of America towards our service men and women.”

To participate in the 2019 National Care Letter Campaign, mail your personal written and designed letter or greeting card to-
America’s Adopt A Soldier
5400 Shawnee Road, Suite #300
Alexandria, Va. 22312

For more information visit- AmericasAdoptASoldier.org or call 703-278-3718.

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