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Mix It Up for Opposite Day Jeers- CHEERS!

Fun fact, Opposite Day is observed (or not) on January 25th each year according to the helpful reminders from National Today. How much fun did you have on school spirit days where everything went topsy-turvy on Opposite Day? There's an actual day devoted to breakfast for dinner, unmatched outfits, socks, and shoes. That's just terrible! (Translation- Woo Hoo!) Is the norm actually the opposite of opposite? Don't tell me- means help! Well, trick or treat, here's to mixing it up Opposite Day and nothing spectacular to jeer CHEER!

Thank you to the team from National Today for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes.

Mix It Up for Opposite Day Jeers- CHEERS!

How are you planning on breaking from the norm on Opposite Day? Will the kids discover a lunch bag filled with snacks and a salad for a treat? Are you dressing up (or down) in PJ's when you head out the door? Will Opposite Day be the day that my kids actually listen to me? A weary mom can only dream for such a life-changing turnaround. However it is that you choose to switch it up on Opposite Day, mark your calendar for a day to remember.

Try these ideas to fail your way through Opposite Day-

- Breakfast for Dinner (and vice versa!)
- Mix & Match (go wild!)
- Shoe Swap (left on right, right to left)  
- Inside Out Outfits (tag! You're it!)
- Write Wrong (handed)
- Kids Rule (just for the day)
- Frowny Face (or smile big!)

Keep up with Opposite Day and the full year of special days to observe with National Today. Don't do this later- (What I mean is, do this now!), if you'd like to find out about other unbelievable January holidays.

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