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You Can Bee the Best in Interactive Tech of Bee Simulator Video Game

Did you know that bees are the only creature on the face of the planet that do not carry any type of diseases? Bees have become all the buzz, being recognized as our most important living creature in the entire world. Un-bee-lievable! (pun intended) While bees are incredibly significant as major contributors to the pollination process of multitudes of fruit-bearing trees, vegetables, other types of food crops, and plants incapable of reproduction on their own, all depend on the essential role of bees as pollinators. Sadly, the bee population is also threatened by drastically declining numbers due to irresponsible use of pesticides, diminished flower pollen, and deforestation. We have to take action to save these vital endangered insects from extinction. Education is key to learning how we can do better. Let's bee-gin by teaching kids. Here's how you can bee the best in the interactive technology of the Bee Simulator video game.

Thank you to Bee Simulator and their promotional team for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.

You Can Bee the Best in Interactive Tech of Bee Simulator Video Game

Technology bridges the gap for learning on so many different levels. We make every effort to use screen time responsibly, balancing between entertainment and educational activities. While my teen would never admit the truth, he honestly enjoys playing educational video games with his younger brother. Captivating their love of nature, Bee Simulator offers a bees-eye view of the world. 

Imagine taking off on an eco-friendly educational experience as a bee. Designed as a mission-based arcade/adventure simulation, Bee Simulator is unlike any other Virtual Reality encounter, teaching you the importance of bees in our fragile ecosystem. Helping to protect your queen bee and hive from humans, while fighting wasps, spiders, and searching for delicious pollen is just an ordinary day in the life of a bee.
Collect pollen, and interact with your fellow bees, the queen and with other animal species. Explore Honey Park at your leisure, a world inspired by Central Park. Through main and secondary missions, become the bee that will save your human swarm. Change your perspective and discover the world through the eyes of a bee!

Bee Simulator is now available on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, and PS4 gaming consoles, and for PC download.

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