How qualified are you to teach advanced or even basic level science lessons to students? While there very well may be a percentage of us that are highly qualified educators, there is an even greater percentage of us that are finding ourselves in the position of navigating unfamiliar topics and terminology. With technology allowing instant access to information, the challenge becomes determining credible sources from misinformed sources. Having had a previous opportunity to connect with reputable educators, here's help to teach your students with free viral virus science homeschool lesson printables.
This post is sponsored by College Prep Science. Copyright 2020 by Greg Landry.
Teach Your Students with Free Viral Virus Science Homeschool Lesson Printables

Recently, homeschooling students in Greg Landry’s online science classes were filled with plenty of questions about COVID-19 (which, by the way, is not the name of the virus), and your own children may also ask questions. Greg has created a PDF to address the common questions and to give students an understanding of viruses in general, and this virus in particular... in a way that's fun for students.
Sharing from his professional experience, Greg Landry believes that in science, it's very important for students to have what he refers to as "magnitude perspective". In general, we understand viruses, bacteria, and similar matter are microscopic in size, however, very few people really have perspective as to exactly how small they really are or how they compare with one another or even in relation to the width of human hair. Landry explains these dimension demonstrating not only through numbers, also incorporating easily understood graphics.
Landry's free Homeschool Student COVID-19 Printable Lesson and Worksheet PDF (plus a free bonus lesson and worksheet on the human muscular system) include-
- Are Viruses Alive?
- How Do Viruses Affect Humans?
- What is the Actual Name of the Current Virus? (few people know this)
- What is "Coronavirus"?
- What Do Viruses Look Like?
- Where Do Viruses Come From?
- What are Some Common Diseases Caused by Viruses?
This free informative PDF includes a printable student worksheet with graphics to label and color plus a virus quiz.
Click Here to get your free COVID-19 Student Printable Lesson + Bonus, submitting your email to receive this free printable will also include access to your free "muscular system" lesson and worksheet.
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