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How to Talk to Children About Racism and Anti-Racist Activism

What has been the most influential racial injustice awareness for you personally? How have you and your family been impacted by the call for anti-racist support? Where do you fit in as an activist, ally, or bystander? In light of the call for systematic racism to be addressed and effective reform actions instated, the entire world has become the classroom for lessons in racism, racial equality, diversity, and inclusion. As adults, we struggle to find appropriate measures to address current issues, our children are also conflicted. We live in a world built upon biases and oppression, no longer able to silently bear witness to hurt, humiliation, and the criminality of genocide. What freedoms and protections are provided from Juneteenth declarations or American citizenship? Let's m
ake race conversations within our homes with our families commonplace. We are all part of the interconnected collective of the human race, to better know one another we must better understand ourselves. Bring the darkness of racism to light to diminish the power of its injustice. Share these essential resources helping families know how to talk to children about racism and anti-racist activism. 

How to Talk to Children About Racism and Anti-Racist Activism 

Begin Today
It has been observed that young infants are capable of distinguishing racial differences and by preschool racial biases are formed and developed. Start the conversation with your child about race and humanity emphasizing the importance of respect for one and all. Use age-appropriate facts to bring awareness to diversity and racism.

Be a Resource

Set the tone for your child to feel free to respectfully ask questions, make observations, and share personal experiences pertaining to race. Share diverse multicultural experiences with follow-up discussions. When you don't have the answers, seek accurate information.

Demonstrate Anti-Racism

Set an example by demonstrating diversity in your own actions. Include diversity in extra-curricula and family activities, introduce movies, books, and toys featuring multicultural perspectives from an array of races and ethnicities. Provide examples of progress toward racial equity, rallying and encouraging an active role in reform.

Share Truth

Learn about and discuss the historical background of your family's racial, ethnic, and cultural identify. Explain successes and challenges encountered from past to present. An important message to emphasize is the fact that we are united as individuals, racial and ethnic groups include individuals choosing to each act and believe independently and/or collectively.

Amplify Activist Voices

Use your circle of influence to amplify motivational and inspirational examples of racial resistance and resilience progress. Tell the stories that need to be told as a means for positive changes to happen in the world.

Be an Activist

Begin exactly where you are at this given moment. Every little act contributed supports the progress of the anti-racism movement. Be actively involved, supporting your time and talents. Bring your family, friends, and bystanders onboard to embrace positive protests to racist norms. Mahatma Gandhi delivered powerful words in his advice to, "Be the change that you wish to see in the world."  Continue these conversations as we all strive for the freedom to live within an anti-racist world together.

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