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5 Essential Safety Tips to Protect Your Property Affordably

Consider this, according to estimates, approximately half of all burglaries go unreported to law enforcement authorities. To paint the bigger picture, estimating on average 8 million burglaries occur each year within the United States, may very well be doubled for a more accurate indication of theft, burglary, or robbery occurrences. Here are a few important distinctions to remember. Theft is defined as the unauthorized taking of property or services without the owner's permission. 
Burglary, also referred to breaking and entering into a location for the purpose of committing an unlawful act. Robbery is when an property is taken unlawfully by forceful threats and/or physical force. We have partnered with the team from MyPropertyID to present 5 essential safety tips to protect your property affordably.

Thank you to the team from MyPropertyID for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes.

5 Essential Safety Tips to Protect Your Property Affordably

Opening up the discussion to share their practical advice for proactively protecting your property, MyPropertyID has been a valuable resource for safety information. There are trustworthy and dishonest people all throughout the world. We can never truly know the intentions of others, however we can do our best to protect our property assets. 

MyPropertyID is a Better Business Bureau (BBB) registered comprehensive safety advocate helping families to protect, identify, and potentially reclaim lost or stolen valuables. "We do not guarantee that our security kit will absolutely stop burglary, theft or other crimes. Our security kit is both a deterrent and a preventative to such acts. We will always do our utmost to stay current on crime prevention strategies, particularly in the areas of burglary and theft. We will continue to offer the best products possible to help deter such crimes."

What is included in the MyPropertyID security kit?

MPID - "The security kit contains commercial-grade ID tags the size of return address labels each with a unique number embedded in it. The ID tags are automatically pre-activated and linked to your online account the instant you submit your order. You also get warning labels for doors, windows, cars and larger portable valuables."

What are the additional fees for monitoring service?

MPID - "There are no hidden costs to our system. It’s just a onetime payment with no hidden fees. In the age of the internet, the playing field has been leveled between big businesses and small businesses. Because the business is so small, with just a few contractors and no investors, all of the savings get passed on to you."

What items are recommended to label with MyPropertyID asset tags?

MPID - "ID tags should be applied to smooth plastic and metal surfaces and allowed to cure for 7 days. They are designed for televisions, computers, smart phones, game systems, motorized yard equipment, power tools, bicycles, cameras, CD players, radios and etc. We even recommend you consider adhering an ID tag to your key ring, key fob, wallet and passport."
WARNING: Do not adhere ID tags to wood, silver, jewelry, guns or any other property that has inherent value that would be diminished by the application of an industrial adhesive.

What are the benefits of MyPropertyID asset tags and stickers?

MPID - "The term “marked” means property has been tagged in some way and the serial numbers registered. Labels and window clings are a warning that let burglars know that your property is a bad target. Burglars know that being caught with marked property is like being caught with marked money. It’s strong evidence against them, and burglary middlemen (fences) don’t like to handle marked items either."

What will happen if I lose my valuables or have been the victim of a theft?

MPID - "Contact the police. The first question they will ask is, Do you have a record of serial numbers and is your property marked? You are ready to the help the police. Print out a copy of your asset tag numbers and serial numbers. See our Personal Safety webpage for further details.

The police cannot access your account. If you have been burglarized, it is up to you to file a crime report and print out or email the MyPropertyID tag numbers and inventory records of the stolen items to your local law enforcement agency. There are a few extreme cases, as set out in our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, where, with a very narrow scope, probable cause, and a court order, we are obligated to share information with law enforcement professionals."


Enter our exclusive giveaway for ten (10) winners to each win their own 10 tag Personal Plan kit HERE! Winners will be selected randomly on Friday, July 31, 2020 at midnight and contacted via email.

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