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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

Be Your Best Self Enjoying Great Benefits of the Great Outdoors

Fresh air is so refreshing for me to inhale as I step outside each day. Shine a little warm sunshine along my path and I'm one happy camper. Even on those days where the weather is less than the best, I devote a few moments to appreciating nature. There’s plenty to enjoy about spending time outdoors in nature with the trees, plants, flowers, animals and let's not forget the insects. My family spends as much time as possible hiking, biking, swimming, playing games, readers and even simply basking outside.While we all have overwhelming daily schedules, spending time outdoors is more than an enjoyable way to spend your day, there are many health benefits, as well. While enjoying nature's sunshine and fresh air< I was inspired to share tips on how you can be your best self by enjoying the many great benefits of the great outdoors.

Be Your Best Self Enjoying Great Benefits of the Great Outdoors

Before heading outdoors to participate in any new activities, consult with your medical professional for review and approval of a new wellness plan. It's important to be properly prepared for any environmental elements. Enjoying activities outdoors with your family, friends, or even on your own is an excellent way to improve physical and mental wellness. Get set to get geared up with walking sticks, fishing poles, sleds, bikes, boots, year-round sunscreen, and appropriate insect repellent at the ready. Remember, tick checks are important following outdoor fun.

When venturing away from home with little ones, gentle yet effective sunscreen can be a concern. We discovered Playday Sunscreen by Noodle & Boo, an industry leader in luxury maternity and baby skin care. Formulated for little ones, and not-so-little ones, PlayDay Sunscreen is made from shea butter formula, applies easily, and offers broad spectrum SPF protection.

In warmer weather, plan ahead to dress in loose, light-colored clothing to avoid overheating and dehydration. Travel with water to keep hydrated, especially in the high temperatures.
Schedule high intensity activities during cooler mornings or evenings when temps are lower.

Great Benefits of the Great Outdoors Activities Include-

Boosts Energy and Mood
Improves Concentration
Promotes Weight Loss
Improves Sleep
Improves Self-Esteem
Increases Physical Activity
Decreases Anger and Stress
Saves Money
Saves Electricity

Enjoying time spent outdoors in nature in all types of weather, may be the motivate needed to increase your personal physical activity routines. Having the freedom to move about more comfortably, combined with exposure to direct sunlight aids in Vitamin D production, useful for making us to feel calmer and more in line with our best self.

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