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Family-Friendly Face Masks Designed by a Nurse for Safety and Comfort

Did you know that when we cough, sneeze, and even speak, we are spraying germs into the air? Wearing a face mask covers your mouth and nose, helping to prevent the spread of germs into the air. Helping to slow the spread of COVID-19 by protecting yourself and others is done with regular handwashing, social distancing at a distance of 6 feet apart, and wearing face masks, gloves, or appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), as required or recommended. Aside from making personal fashion statements, The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has issued recommendation that we all wear cloth face masks anywhere in public when maintain socially distant (at least 6 feet away) from others is difficult. Whether you are feeling healthy or sick, it’s possible that we can spread coronavirus without having any symptoms (asymptomatic) or before symptoms are observed (pre-symptomatic). We’re wearing these family-friendly face masks designed by a nurse for safety and comfort.

Thank you to SwaddleDesigns and their promotional team for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes. 

Family-Friendly Face Masks Designed by a Nurse for Safety and Comfort

SwaddleDesigns is here to help families keep safe with their mom-medical, protective cloth face masks made here in the USA. Addressing the needs of families faced with adapting to searches to find face coverings effective at filtration of airborne particles, Lynette Damir R.N. As well as CEO and founder of SwaddleDesigns began the process of designing, testing, then manufacturing fabric masks. As both a medical professional and female entrepreneur, Damir and SwaddleDesigns made a pivot from production of their increasingly popular infant swaddle blankets and baby care products to designing face masks meeting and exceeding CDC safety recommendations.   

One of my favorite qualities is the soft feel of the face masks designed specially for kids, crafted from two layers of 100% double-napped cotton flannel in the new collection of SwaddleDesigns fitted child-sized masks for ages 2 and up. My son has had difficulty finding a safe, secure fitting face mask that covers his nose, mouth, and chin with comfortable ear elastic. SwaddleDesigns face masks feature double-napped cotton flannel increase air filtration effectiveness, are reversible, and machine washable. 

Being that face masks are now an important part of our new normal, SwaddleDesigns has stepped in to grow from swaddle basics to safety basics. Conveniently including non-medical 3-layer adult face masks designed from an array of 100% cotton fabrics with an adjustable nose fitting, and easy to adjust ear elastic accommodating teens and adults.

Visit SwaddleDesigns for face masks for the whole family, as well as “stylish, innovative, and quality baby products that help parents comfort and care” for their little ones. 


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