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Fact Check Fun Facts in The Old Farmer's Almanac for KIDS

Fun facts are always an interesting part of the daily flow of conversation in our home. My kids love to share the odd, random, debate-worthy facts read or gathered from any variety of sources. According to Folklore's Feather Weather in The Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids, Volume 8, we learned to expect a rainy day if a chicken-  
-takes dust baths and seems uneasy
- spreads and ruffles its tail feathers
- goes to bed earlier than usual

Following reading all of this fascinating information, fact checking these fun facts began. What was the last fun fact that you decided to fact check? Try a few fun activities, learn about some phenomenal kids, explore our universe from A-to-Z as you read through the astonishing pages of this must-read book. Fact check fun facts in The Old Farmer's Almanac for KIDS!

Thank you to The Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids and their promotional team for the courtesy of providing a gratuitous copy for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.

Fact Check Fun Facts in The Old Farmer's Almanac for KIDS
Here's a fun fact, did you know that banks in the shape of little piggies first became popular in Europe around the 1400s? During that time, many of these "piggy banks" were designed from ceramic or porcelain. We found an incredibly creative DIY craft project in The Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids, Volume 8 demonstrating the way you can make your very own piggy bank (page 158), using common items you should easily be able to gather.  

 DIY Paper-Mâché Piggy Bank

 You Will Need-

- Balloon
- Paper Towel
- Tape
- Cup All-Purpose Flour
- 2 Cups Water
- Paint and Paint Brushes
- Stickers (optional)


- The balloon is your mold. Blow it up to your desired piggy bank size.

- Cut the paper towel roll into five pieces to serve as the feet and snout. Tape the feet and snout to the balloon.

- Cut ears out of the cardboard. Tape them to your piggy bank’s head.

- Tear newspaper into strips 1 to 2 inches wide and in a variety of lengths.

- In the bowl, combine the flour and water. Stir to make a smooth paste.

- Dip one strip of newspaper into the paste, coating it thoroughly. Hold the strip between two fingers of one hand and, with the other hand, pull it through your fingers to remove the excess paste.

- Lay the strip on the mold. Gently smooth in place. Repeat, overlapping the strips and laying them in different directions.

- When the balloon is covered, and each time you add layers, set it aside to dry thoroughly and put a cover on the paste.

- Repeat the process until you are satisfied. (We recommend at least four layers.)

- When completely dry, cut a slot in the top of the pig. This will pop the balloon. Remove the balloon through the slot. Paint or decorate your piggy bank.
Another fun fact for you, did you know that the world’s largest piggy bank was created by a German savings bank in May 2015? The bank was 18 feet 3.7 inches tall and 26 feet 4.3 inches long and painted red, I'll fact check this one soon.

The Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids, Volume 8 also gives readers timeless ideas for classic outdoor games, like Nine Pins (page 151) that are ideal for homemade fun. If you enjoy bowling, you'll have a great time playing Nine Pins.
Nine Pins

You Will Need-

- 9 Empty 1-Liter Plastic Bottles
- Small Ball

Game Play
- Set up the bottles in a diamond formation (1-2-3-2-1) on a smooth, flat surface, with one point facing the bowler.

- Have the bowler back up to an agreed distance (which can be adjusted for younger bowlers).

- Roll or toss the ball at the bottles, trying to knock down as many as you can! The one who knocks down the most bottles wins. Reset the bottles for another round after each bowler’s turn. Add up how many bottles each person has knocked over. Stop after 10 rounds and add up every bowler’s score.

I'll be honest, it's perfectly understandable if you choose to read The Old Farmer’s Almanac for Kids from cover to cover in page order. We were more excited about certain topics and bounced around to topics of interest. My son's curious mind was intrigued to learn how to nurture an Aloe Vera plant to Grow a First Aid Kit (page 98), while learning firsthand about its healing properties.

This is a great time to share an enlightening, fun fact. Ancient Egyptians called Aloe Vera the “plant of immortality”, while early Native American tribes named it “wand of heaven,”. Originally grown in southern Africa, Aloe Vera leaves are full of healing substances that have been used medicinally for at least 6,000 years. Aloe Vera gel can help heal and ease the pain of burns, bruises, boils, canker sores, and chapped lips. 

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