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Parenting Expert Shares Top Tips for Happy Healthy Kids

“Have you ever used the water hose inside of the house before?” Nothing could have prepared me for having overheard this conversation between my sons. Admittedly, I knew that the twosome was tasked with cleaning out our turtle tank. Yes, in the depths of my consciousness I did hear the water flowing through the water hose outside. Never did I ever imagine that laziness-inspired ingenuity would lead to the water hose being draped through a window into our livingroom. At this point, we were approximately one week in to our Coronavirus “staycation”. Immediately I began to question the effectiveness of my qualifications as a parent, if this is the thought process of a high school senior, just weeks away from his graduation date. When putting this eye-opening situation into perspective. Two key thoughts came into focus- first, my kids were definitely happy, and second, the boys and the turtles were all healthy. Besides, if I failed to explicitly say to the people living under my roof that under NO circumstances (barring fire, God forbid) is the water hose to be used inside of the house, I should perhaps maybe take ownership of the situation. Just kidding! While I’m far from being a parenting expert, I’m thrilled to present a featured guest post from an actual parenting expert, Deborah Ann Davis sharing her top two tips for raising happy, healthy kids.  
Parenting Expert Shares Top Tips for Happy Healthy Kids
Deborah Ann Davis | Featured Guest Post Contributor

With the epidemic still at full speed all over the nation, it is important to find ways that we can keep our children happy and healthy. Deborah Ann Davis, award-winning author, parenting skills coach, mother, and former high school educator of 20+ years, has a few ideas on how parents or guardians can keep their kids happy and healthy at home. Here are Deborah’s top two tips on how parents can ensure that their children are practicing a happy, healthy lifestyle-

Tip #1 | Make WATER Your #1 Household Beverage

Did you know that children are actually more susceptible to dehydration than adults? They need constant re-hydration in order to keep their body temperatures regulated. Drinking water also helps get rid of all of the waste and toxins that their little bodies have built up throughout the day. But it can be hard for children to recognize when they are thirsty or when their body needs more water. So, how can parents get children to drink more water?

1- Educate your children on the effects that sugary beverages can have on the body. Find a non-water drink that they tend to go for and read the nutrition label with them. Discuss common side effects that may be ailing them, like headaches and sluggishness, and discuss a plan to cut back on those drinks.

2- Do a Water Challenge with your kids! Challenge each other to drink only water for three weeks, and see how you all feel at the end of the challenge. Pick a fun prize for all of you to enjoy at the end of the challenge.

3- Make drinking water fun! Add in some fruit slices, fun-shaped ice cubes, or throw it in a funny or colorful cup for them to sip out of.

4- Drink water in front of them all the time! Children tend to model our behavior; So, practicing this healthy hydration habit in front of them can actually get them invested in it as well.    

Tip #2 | Get Up and Play With Your Kids!

We could all use a fun play-time after a long day. 5-minutes of a little rolling around and giggling with your kids is not only fun for them, but actually has tons of benefits for everyone. Try this idea every hour throughout the day and see the benefits start rolling in. Check out some of the key benefits below- 

1- Increases blood flow to the brain which provides more oxygen.

2- Breathing deeply while laughing massages your organs and strengthens your core muscles.

3- Smiling and laughing produce your happy hormones, the effects of which last long after your 5-minute wrestling match or game of tag in the front yard.

4- Your kids will feel closer to you as you build warm, loving memories with them.

5- The interruption will break any negative cycles being created by schoolwork, especially with older kids.

About the Author

Armed with an M.Ed. in supervision, and a 10th-grade sense of humor, Deborah's science and personal trainer background provide everything she needs to help busy moms reconnect with their angsty adolescents, by helping them focus on caring themselves first. Her book, "How To Keep Your Daughter From Slamming the Door" contains the basic instructions that didn't come with your daughter, but you wish that they had.
Visit Deborah's website for other ways parents can promote healthy habits at home.

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