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Mentoring 101 | How YOU Can Make a Difference TODAY

It's simple. You either need a helping hand or you offer a helping hand. 
Mentoring encompasses the simple act of establishing a mutually beneficial relationship for professional, academic, or personal guidance. Offering the advancing mentee the advantage of gaining valuable guidance, support, and encouragement, mentors in turn will strengthen their leadership and management skills, expand network connections, as well as give back to the community. How's that for the ultimate win-win situation? I've had the privilege of standing as both a mentee and mentor at times in my life, each were rewarding life opportunities. We're each gifted with unique skill sets, talents, and perspectives useful in contributing toward cultural advancement through magnification and modification. Master Mentoring 101 and discover how you can make a difference today.

Mentoring 101 | How YOU Can Make a Difference TODAY

Mentoring Benefits 
• Positive Role Model for Mentee
• Idea Exchange
• Evolving Process
• Goal-Oriented
• Mutually Beneficial

Through mentorship, mentors and mentees create an environment for ideation expansion, informed decisions, and strategic development as part of a personalized plan of action. Succeeding with your projected goals rarely follows a clear cut, direct path. Objectives will at times overlap, pivot, or even circle back to previous phases, as opposed to progressing along a fast track to achievement. Frequently referenced as a comprehensive structural framework, many find success implementing the BEST Mentoring Model-

B - Building

Developing a mentoring connection requires the formation of positive relationship dynamics. Following an orientation meeting between mentor and mentee, the initial process begins by establishing trust, defining expectations, and agreeing on goals and terms.

During this phase, mentors discover the mentee's projected vision for the future, establishing a consistent framework for growth and development. Remaining openminded is essential on both parts, as the path will not necessarily move forward in a linear direction. Understand the value of obtaining and sharing honest feedback and encouragement throughout the process.

E - Enhancing

Collaborating on bridging the gap between mentee goals and mentor resources serves to enhance the mentoring relationship. Goals you set can be personal in nature, career-oriented, educational, or open to development. Mentees and mentors will work together to gain greater clarity of mentee goals and mentor support.

S - Sustaining

Working from an established trusting relationship forms a integral foundation for open dialogue and goal setting. The challenge of negotiating the terms and expectations of the mentoring dynamic will be easily managed with sustained communication, attention to details, and evaluation for future reference. 

T -Transitioning

All good things must come to an end. In due time, essential preparation takes place as your mentoring relationship advances to the next level. Reflecting upon lessons learned throughout the journey highlights accomplishments while leading the way toward future successes. As the mentor-mentee relationship evolves, map out the transitional outlook for the ending of the relationship. Finding closure serves to positively end the relationship, celebrate progress, and plans for the future.

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