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Where to Go When You Need to Know WHY

I'm curious to know exactly how it is that so many parents cry silent tears whenever our children ask- "Why?"  This is the learning spark our little learners need to set them along their educational path. How sweet! Okay, I'll admit to cherishing the first two or three times that we see those tiny brow furrow and hear the wonder in the word- why. With time, the magic seems to fade away as we answer a chorus of whys which never seem to end. Fortunately, we're equipped to rise to the occasion. One of my greatest moments as a parent was that special day when I was able to sit and listen to my children as they read with me, and eventually were able to read to me. Books will always be held very close to my heart, figuratively and literally. Raising readers is so important, even with technology heavily factoring in to our educational and personal enrichment. Take a page out of my book, (figuratively!) and check out where you go when you need to know why.

Thank you to National Geographic Kids and their promotional team for the courtesy of providing advanced reader copies for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affilaite links.

Where to Go When You Need to Know WHY

National Geographic Kids  Little Kids First Big Book of Why is ideal for young learners between 3-7 years of age or any curious readers. After a first glance, I indulged my own curiosity, reading the book from cover-to-cover in one sitting. Preschool age is an interesting phase of child development where active learning brings an awareness of the world we live in more than just a background setting. Questioning their environments is a natural part of the learning process.

"Using an interactive question-and-answer format and content grounded in a child's immediate world, the Big Book of Why delivers lively information, hands-on games, simple recipes, crafts, and more. What makes a car go? How does mushy dough become a crispy cookie? What does the doctor see in my throat? An essential parent reference, The Big Book of Why invites children to ask big questions, think big thoughts, and get answers that are accurate, engaging, level-appropriate, and based on sound educational findings. It helps prepare preschoolers for school in an interactive way — the very best way to foster learning at this age, according to research. Highly photographic and playful, this big book is an adventure in exploration."

National Geographic Kids  Why? Over 1,111 Answers to Everything fills almost 200 pages with age-appropriate answers to the whys of school-aged readers between 8-12 years old. It gave me great pleasure to hand my 9-year-old this incredible wealth of knowledge loaded with astonishing fun facts and phenomenal answers to many of life's most bewildering questions. Why? "Because... Curious readers need answers. And you're never too young, too old, or too smart to learn something new!"  

"The concept is simple. Got a question? Well now you have an answer! 1,111 of them, in fact. Want to know why your snot is yellow? Flip to the human body chapter. What's on the inside of a turtle shell? The animal section's got you covered. What's in the deepest part of the ocean? Why doesn't Earth just float off into space? Check, check, and check. With hundreds of topics ranging from silly to serious, this book has the expert information kids need in a fun and entertaining format that will keep them digging for answers. Answers include all kinds of fascinating extra info like top ten lists, weird-but-true facts, explorer profiles, and cool activities. Now, go stump your parents!"

Any questions? No worries. Check out these National Geographic Kids books for spectacular facts and fun for the whole family!

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