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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

The Balance and Benefits of Meditation for Wellness

Where did I go? It's a typical wacky story from my incredibly large collection of personal life stories to explain my very first experience with meditation. Having recently become members at the shiny, new YMCA which opened not too far from our home I was eager to find fitness classes for my family to join. Conveniently, I observed a posting for a yoga class which was taking place at just the ideal time for me to participate. The information that I did not observe or consider to be relevant, was the fact that this was a Silver Sneakers yoga class. While this yoga class was available to all YMCA members, the session was designed with modifications for members ages 65 and up. I was not by any means the target audience, yet I took the class out of a combination of  courtesy, curiosity, and embarrassment. While I was truly bored to tears, sitting in a metal folding chair through the 45 minute session, we ended with a moment of meditation before I politely sprinted out the door. I experienced next level meditation or I fell asleep that day. At least once in life, we all should have an opportunity to experience the balance and benefits of meditation.

The Balance and Benefits of Meditation for Wellness

Let's begin with an open mind, a very important first step to opening up to mindfulness in meditating. One other important focus is the balanced quality of the pace and rhythm of your breathing. Meditation is not necessarily a spiritual practice, there are many wellness benefits, such as heart health, gained from including mediating in your wellness routine. Treat yourself with all of the kindness you grace upon your most cherished family and friends. Sit in awareness of your present state of being with a heart filled with gratitude for the very moment you are experiencing.

Center Yourself - Find a comfortable, relaxing position without distractions. Feel free to close your eyes, if desired. Begin a calm, casual breathing flow to help clear your mind.

Deep Breathe - Breathe in. Breathe out. As you continue to inhale and exhale, bring your attention inward to focus on the sound of your heartbeat.

Healing Heart - Cycle your breath flow with your heart flow. Envision the warmth of your breath replenishing and healing your mind, body, and spirit. Continue to naturally settle into relaxation.

Embrace Calm - Feel the peacefulness of the time and space you are creating. Appreciate the beauty of the power within you that empower your meditative experience.

Refresh Renewed - Gently allow your eyes to open as you begin the process of reawakening. Deeply breathe in and breathe out in a series of inhales and exhales with hands to heart in gratitude for peace.

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