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Stress Less for Improved Mental Wellness

Are you paying attention to your body's subtle signs of stress within your daily life? As you practice self-care, i
t becomes simple to recognize occasions where you are dealing with life experiences causing extreme stress, such as serious illness, job loss, or other sources of distress. There are a variety of other sources of stress which you may not realize are affecting your physical and mental health. Here are a few of the subtle signs that you may be dealing with stress within your daily life. Take advantage of ways to stress less for improved mental wellness.

Thank you to Keoni CBD for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.
Stress Less for Improved Mental Wellness


How often do you feel that you're continuously exhausted no matter how much sleep you get each night? Have you realized an increase in the amount of caffeine you consume? When chronic fatigue becomes an ongoing concern, it's possible you may actually be feeling depleted from emotional stress. During periods of time when you encounter excessive levels of stress in your life, even minimal amounts of stress, the result can cause problematic fluctuations of cortisol levels. These imbalances in turn affect your overall ability to enjoy a restful night of sleep, further reducing your energy levels during the day. Therefore, if you discover that you have been struggling with insomnia and fatigue, regardless of the amount of sleep you get, it just might be a sign of stress.


How are you feeling? Another sign of stress that we will often believe to originate from other sources is when you're feeling moody, agitated, or irritable. Our brains process a tremendous range of emotions when we have experienced multiple stressful events in our every day lives. Evaluating the situation will reveal you're most likely focusing more on your stresses than your successes. This thought process will sometimes cause us a great deal of overwhelm, panic, anxiety, and other complex emotions which may lead to moodiness or agitation. 


Stress and anxiety often become noticeable simultaneously. Life becomes unpredictable at times and you may also notice that at moments when you have more stress-inducing situations your anxiety levels are increased. There's a deep connection between stress and mental wellness. Anxiety and depression in people with chronic stress has been shown to affect them more persistently and more intensely. Feelings of anxiety can create a difficult cycle to escape. Through self-care, when finding yourself in the midst of an anxiety or panic attack, it's even more important to recognize the signs of stress and work through to manage your symptoms through your most effective coping mechanisms.

Lack of Focus

If you've followed along to this point. you're levels of interest and focus may not be a major cause for concern. On the other hand, you may have stumbled through episodes of troublesome brain fog resulting from overwhelming stress. Poor emotional state can be the reason for mental confusion, lack of focus, or poor concentration. If at any time you notice that you're falling behind in work, unable focus on tasks to completion, or your concentration is suffering, stress may be at the source of your challenges.

How Can Keoni Help?

"Cannabidol (CBD) works WITH your body to provide Relief Without Any High. And it goes to work quickly. The cannabinoids found in Keoni are the SAME compounds that regulate mood and pain in the brain and body.CBD products have become popular in use for pain relief, feelings of anxiety, disrupted sleep, and overall mind and body balance. Keoni has developed safe and natural relief supplement CBD gummies. These flavorful gummy bears contain 100% organically full spectrum extracted hemp oil extract featuring safe and potent 20mg Cannabidiol compounds. Keoni gummies are non-habit-forming and contain NO psychoactive properties.

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