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Travel Destination | Okinawa Japan

10 Facts We NEED to Know Before You Write Your Next Review

There is almost always a magnificent look of awe on the faces of my captive audience as I recount the epic adventure my family experienced the night I swung our hotel room door open to face two confused police officers. Yes, there was confusion on my face as well. My post-visit online hotel review is indeed on of my finest works of snark, sarcasm, and summation of one horrendous night's accommodations. Our family can reflect on this pre-graduation evening with hysteria, however I was FAR from amused at the time. With the rising sun, we were already packed up and ready to put the bizarre incident of the previous night behind us as quickly as possible. Once we returned home and settled in, I popped in to my inbox to see an email asking me to review my stay at the hotel. WELL... All of the feelings which I had experienced during the few hours of chaos and confusion at the hotel came flooding back into my memory. Oh yes, please allow me the opportunity to share my honest feedback on my most recent visit to your establishment. Usually I share glowing reviews following our travel adventures, for the very first time I was going to the dark side of rating my experiences. Here's the balance I needed in my life. Remember these 10 facts we need to know before you write your next review.

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10 Facts We NEED to Know Before You Write Your Next Review

We want all of the juicy details! With a drastic increase in online sales, often there will be a lack of firsthand experience before purchasing that limited-time offer you just MUST have. Reading (genuine) reviews written by (authentic) consumers helps to bridge the gap by sharing valuable feedback. Now that you've made your purchase, most times you will be asked to rate your experience. We have tremendous influence on the rating scale reviews others will read before placing their orders. Here are  few tips to help make your feedback stand out as being more informative and personable.

1- What was the deciding factor that made you want to spend your money on this item/service/experience? 

2- Is there an interesting feature (cool, cute, funny, exciting, inspiring, practical, romantic, unique, weird) that attracted you to this product/service/experience?

3- Describe your honest initial reaction of your first experience with the item/service/experience.

4- Share any relevant sensory (see/feel/smell/taste/hear) observations you have now that you've had a chance to become get to know more about the item/service/experience.

5- Who is the ideal user of this item? Is this a necessity, problem solver, collectible, or splurge purchase?

6- How were product claims met, unmet, or exceeded according to expectations?

7- Post pictures or a video to highlight your personal likes/dislikes about your experience.

8- How effective was the ease of using this item? What are the benefits? 

9- Would you recommend this product to a friend?

10- How helpful was your experience with any customer support staff?

As the owner of the digital content published by Creative Learning Center Studios, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites and various other topics. This content may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this blog receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always give my honest opinions, findings, beliefs or experiences on those topics or products. This content abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote, or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider, or party in question.
