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25 Items You NEED to Add to Your Meal Planning Menu Prep Today

Where do you fit in, do you live to eat, eat to live, or find your self somewhere in between? Ideally, consuming the recommended daily servings of fruits and veggies, hydrating with plenty of water, and having time everyday workouts would be our #goals
 lifestyle. Meal times are a wonderful opportunity to not only replenish our bodies, we can also reconnect with family and friends. Step away from the TV or computer, power down electronics to enjoy your food and companions. Developing the routine of meal planning and preparation for an entire week, instead of daily meal decisions with multiple shopping trips for missing ingredients help with weight maintenance, as well as time management. Here's a game-changing life hack worth sharing with you- while you're out shopping for your meal prep essentials, buy a set of smaller plates and glasses. Why? You know how easy it is to fill up our plates, using smaller plates help us to eat and drink less with portion control. Include a daily fitness routine or even a casual walk as opportunities to keep yourself on the path toward your personal wellness goals. Share these 25 items you need to add to your meal planning menu prep today.

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25 Items You NEED to Add to Your Meal Planning Menu Prep Today

Establishing a meal planning system help to keep within your wellness plan, household budget, and time management goals. Here’s what you need to add to your meal planning menu prep- 



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