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Make Mental Health and Well-Being for All a Global Priority for Everyone Everywhere

Your mental health is important. Your mental health is priority. Your mental health matters. Your mental health affects the way that you think, feel, act, interact, and responses to stress factors. Annual wellness physical exams often focus primarily on our physical wellness, many times neglecting to address our mental health state of wellness. Mental health includes the combined aspects of our emotional, psychological, and social wholeness. Monitoring and managing our mental health is essential for our total well-being from early childhood throughout adulthood. Raising awareness to the need to prioritize our mental health by 
celebrating World Mental Health Day with this year's theme being, ‘Make Mental Health and Well-Being for All a Global Priority’ for everyone everywhere, we are sharing useful resources to use and share.

Make Mental Health and Well-Being for All a Global Priority for Everyone Everywhere

Life is unpredictable. Equipping ourselves to become more aware of our mental state allows us to best manage our personal needs. Unfortunately, there has been a tremendous disconnect in wholistic wellness care that is being addressed through more comprehensive mental health initiatives and outreach. Currently experiences of mental illness, suicidal ideations, and ending lives by suicide are increasing around the world. Healing is critical.

Fears of backlash, stigma, or discrimination present a significant barrier to many in need from seeking access to mental health services. Additionally, increased opportunities for wholistic fitness, proper nutrition and dietary habits are key factors for more advanced preventative wellness plans.  Research evidence indicates that intervention outcomes for persons facing mental health concerns save lives reducing risk factors for individual and public safety. 

Building support for equalized global access to both physical and mental wellness evaluations from pregnancy to older adulthood will serve to bridge the gaps in our current health care systems. Take action to be representatives for the unheard voices needing their stories to be told. The disadvantage populations which are historically underrepresented are in need of you. You are needed as an advocate to help us all make long-term mental health and well-being for all a global priority- for everyone everywhere.

Let's come together, to make a difference in our world by promoting mentally healthy communities. Participate in annual World Mental Health Day events, and research and share these useful menta health resources-

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