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Expert Tips to Help Your Child Build Their Emotional Tool Kit - and Yours Too!

Emotional much? Stress and circumstances may activate emotions leading to overwhelming feelings. Understanding our feelings helps us to better process difficult emotions. Imagine the challenges we face as adults continually working to process these big emotions. Now, imagine the tremendous challenge our children encounter as they also are learning to identify, manage, and process their own unique set of emotions in their own way. As a lifelong learner, I'm all in when it comes to self-improvement, and we're never too young to learn. I was surprised to learn emotions are not experienced  independently, emotions tend to manifest in combinations. Observing beyond of the dominate emotion, will allow for the identification and acknowledgement of unnoticed emotions. We've partnered with Nadine Levitt of My Mama Says to offer you expert tips to help your child build their emotional tool kit - and your personal resources too!

Thank you to the promotional team for Nadine Levitt for the courtesy of providing educational resources and gratuitous product. This content may contain affiliate links.

Expert Tips to Help Your Child Build Their Emotional Tool Kit - and Yours Too!

How familiar are you with the value of an emotional tool kit? Let's start at the beginning by gaining a better understanding of an emotional wellness tool kit. Few of us would be surprised by the fact that humans are complex beings by nature. Aside from our physical wellness, mental and emotional wellness are integral to our overall well being. Helping to regulate mental health and emotions, your emotion tool kit becomes filled with all of the tools and techniques you develop to help manage your emotions.

Tucked away beneath our adult-sized vantage points are nestled a wealth of miniature-sized feeling our little learner are experiencing as they learn to navigate every day in our enormous world filled with life and lessons. Feelings will often affect the way children (and adults) respond, react, and interact within activities and relationships. 

Self-confidence, self-awareness, and self-regulation all serve to better enable children to learn more about their own mental health and how their experiences and feelings will continually change. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) introduces age-appropriate practices for little learners to use to reflect and adapt as needed. Years of research support the benefits of the Emotion Wonderland. Engaging, informative questions create the foundation for an effective tool to help your child understand, identify, and respond to their emotions. 

"From the book and educational curriculum, My Mama Says Inside Me Lives a SuperheroMy Mama Says Inside Me Lives a Village, by Nadine Levitt, come these charming characters and the revolutionary method they reveal."

Education expert, parent, lawyer, music artist, as well as author and creator of Emotion Wonderland, Nadine believes in leveraging the power of play for comprehensive, evidence-based social and emotional learning. As the Leading Global Emotional Intelligence Expert who specializes in early childhood development and K-12 education. Nadine helps parents start meaningful conversations around emotions in a fun and effective way. 

In addition to her prolific speaking, media and philanthropy work, Nadine sits on the national board of Little Kids Rock, is on the social justice taskforce Catalyst for Change, is a member of the NAfME Roundtable, and Founder of the Ed-Tech platform WURRLYedu, My Mama Says and PD Reimagined, all of which are elevating and revolutionizing the way we teach and parent our children.

As the owner of the digital content featured by Creative Learning Center Studios, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites, and various other topics. This content may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this content receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always share my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. This website abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.
