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3 Simple Simple Steps to Empower Children to Boost Self Confidence

Setting the example as adults is one of the best ways to model healthy behaviors. When we demonstrate less than ideal lifestyle choices, children are savvy enough to observe and often mirror our choices, assuming these actions to reflect heathy choices. Before we can take the time to build up and motivate little learners, we should begin to first make certain that we are nurturing ourselves. Aside from taking care of our basic needs, mental wellness, and self-care should also be considered as a priority in our lives. When we feel confident within ourselves, we are best equipped to help our children feel great about themselves, which is one of the best gifts to give to our kids. Some days in life it will feel like we win, other days we will have a lesson to learn. Consider these three simple steps to help empower children to boost their self-confidence.

Thank you to the promotional team for Baby Magic for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.

3 Simple Simple Steps to Empower Children to Boost Self Confidence

Observing young children it is often amazing to discover how much more information they are capable of understanding. Presenting little learners with the facts by overexplaining new concepts is beneficial to development, even if the lesson calls for repetition. We, ourselves don't always get it right the first time around. With time we mature and improve, as change is a part of the process. Our paths to healthy, happy living will not always follow a direct route and those are the times when we learn that it’s certainly okay to not be okay at the moment. 
By boosting our self-confidence we are empowered to overcome challenges. Try these tips for helping children boost their self-confidence-

1. Independence Allow little learner to complete tasks on their own, rather than hovering as a helicopter parent. Providing age-appropriate opportunities to accomplish safely activities by themselves, while observing with a watchful eye from a distance communicates a senso of trust in their abilities.

Daily routines can be fast and frenzied at times. Encourage children to practice healthy hygiene habits including time for brushing their teeth, showering and washing their hair, coordinating the appropriate clothing, and using bath and body products like Baby Magic Gentle Baby Lotion, as needed. Bedtime routines may also include more soothing and relaxing products. Applying Calming Baby Lotion both nourishes skin and also comforts with a calming lavender and chamomile scent.

2. Boundaries Model healthy boundaries for your children to help them understand that we all have limits and we should ask for assistance. Encourage your child to work at doing their best, reinforcing that you will be available to help as needed.

3. Encouragement Provide positive reinforcement to little learners when there is a need for redirection. By offering patient and kind explanations when a situation does not work out as your child expected paired with expressing gratitude for cooperation encourages self-confidence. Preparation, understanding, and a gentle diversion of attention with alternative options makes room for healthy decision-making skills.

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