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When Mind + Body Alignment Meets Health + Wellness Goals

If you're anything like me, goal setting is a key factor in your day-to-day life. 
Maintaining our health and wellness goals can seem like a monumental project, however managing a series of daily action steps is more attainable. Gaining insight by setting goals, both long term and short term, to mark our milestones toward progress is a powerful motivational tool. Defining specific goals to achieve progress is most effective when we set SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Timed) goals which are tangible and most easily evaluated. Life is all too often uncharted, unpredictable territory for us to adapt to as situations and circumstances are continually fluctuating. Are you prepared to embrace all of the changes affecting your path to success with determination, focus and faith? It's commonly observed that when mind and body alignment meets health and wellness goals, we activate to reach our fullest potential.

Thank you to the promotional team at Front Gate Media and Holy Pals for the courtesy of providing gratuitous product for editorial content purposes. This content may contain affiliate links.

When Mind + Body Alignment Meets Health + Wellness Goals

Goal Setting

Work to set SMART goals, focusing initially on one or two major goals you choose to focus on as a start. Wellness is a fluid state of being based upon our physical and mental responses to both healthy and unhealthy dynamics. Considering my overwhelming schedule, I choose to give significant attention to prioritizing self-care as a personal wellness goal. Finding time in my day to simply change into my comfy clothes and delight in peaceful moments brings me great joy. At times I may even find it best to rest during the day to revitalize my mind and body. Knowing throughout my day that I am easing closer toward relaxation is my positive motivating factor.

I've discovered a small, family business designing ethically sourced, soft, premium cotton pajamas for the whole family to enjoy. Holy Pals features trendy inspirational prints created by international illustrators and textile designers for the whole family to coordinate together. I adore the lovely details like a the motivational scripture embroidered on the label on the arm of the pajamas. (Take a look at Luke 2:1-20 stitched on my PJs). Supporting those in need, it pleases me to know that each Holy Pals purchase helps with pajama donations to the children of The Littlest Lamb organization.

Tracking Progress

Establishing healthy habits benefits alignment of both the mind and body. Accomplishing milestones comprises a key component to effective health and wellness goal setting. Defining the series of smaller steps leading up to more complex objectives. Working through the tasks necessary to move forward toward achieving your goals within a planner, journal, or app serves as a visual reminder to remain on-task. If drinking more water is your high-priority intention, try keeping tabs on your fluid intake levels to optimize your hydration goals. Seeing updated information reflecting items that have been done, items needing to be done, and items currently in progress is a useful performance tracking method. Balance planned goals and actionable steps with a personalized routine that best suits your needs.

Mindful Moments

Embrace the beauty and majesty of the great outdoors as often as possible for revitalization. Silence is golden, observe your environment quietly to help increase awareness of your five senses. Develop the habit of deep breathing fresh air into your lungs to align and connect with nature and as a restorative wellness practice. Consider including aroma therapy, which has been since ancient times to reduce stress and promote vitality.

Specific SMART goals are highly personalized and reflective of your particular needs. Have faith in yourself and know that you are worthy! Embrace support and remember that you are not alone on your journey.

As the owner of the digital content featured by Creative Learning Center Studios, I am compensated to provide my opinion on products, services, websites, and various other topics. This content may contain affiliate links. Even though, as the writer/owner of this content receiving compensation for posts or advertisements, I will always share my honest opinions, findings, beliefs, or experiences on those topics or products. This website abides by word of mouth marketing standards. I believe in the honesty of relationship, opinion and identity. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Any product claim, statistic, quote or other representation about a product or service should be verified with the manufacturer, provider or party in question.
