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25 Impactful Questions to Ask Yourself to Build Up Your Emotional Toolkit

With an increasing amount of attention being given to our best practices for mental wellness and self-care, our emotional toolkit is a powerful resource to continually develop for ourselves. Let's explore for anyone curious to know- what is an emotional toolkit? Our emotional toolkit refers to our personal skills, techniques, and strategies we use to help us effectively manage our emotions. We may choose to practice mindfulness, use relaxation techniques, choose positive self-talk, participate in therapy sessions, or engage in collective support activities. Deciding which method or combination of  strategies are most beneficial is based upon your personal preference. Ultimately, the purpose of your emotional toolkit is to help regulate emotions and coping mechanisms in stressful situations in a healthy and constructive manner. By developing and using an emotional toolkit, we are better equipped with the tools necessary to improve our emotional resiliency, self-awareness, and mental health. How well do we really know ourselves? Reflect on these 25 impactful questions to ask yourself to build up your emotional toolkit.

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25 Impactful Questions to Ask Yourself to Build Up Your Emotional Toolkit

Investing in yourself to build your emotional toolkit is a personal and ongoing process. Emotional tool kit benefits for adults and children include improving an awareness of their feelings and emotions, understanding, expressing, and exploring Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) vocabulary.  Becoming empowered to recognize not only how we feel in the moment, we will also be able to focus on the importance of breathing, eating, drinking, music, journaling, physical activity, personal space, comfort, or help may be needed in the moment. There are many ways to develop your emotional toolkit, including-

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Learn emotional regulation techniques and strategies through reading, in-person and online resources, or therapy.

Identify your personal emotional triggers, strengths, and weaknesses to determine what tools might work best for you.

Try different techniques and see which ones work best for you, and then include them in your daily routine.

Consider working with a therapist, counselor, or coach to develop and use an emotional toolkit based upon your individual needs.

As you identify techniques and strategies that work best for you, consistently use them strengthen your emotional processes.

Thinking about and questioning our feelings helps to better understand and respond to how we feel. To build an emotional toolkit, you can start by asking yourself the following questions-

1- What emotions do I typically experience on a day-to-day basis?

2- When did I begin to notice these feelings?

3- How long have I been feeling these emotions? 

4- What has happened to cause these feelings? 

5- What else am I feeling?

6- How do I tend to cope with my difficult emotions? 

7- Are my coping mechanisms healthy and effective?

8- What are other healthy ways I can use to manage and express my emotions that may be helpful?

9- Do I have an trustworthy support network I can rely on when needed?

10- Who do/can I turn to for support when I need help managing my emotions? 

11- What self-care practices do/can I incorporate into my daily routine to help me better manage my emotions?

12- What positive affirmations or self-talk statements can I use to overcome negative feelings?

13- What relaxation techniques or mindfulness exercises help me regulate when I'm overwhelmed?

14- What core values do I draw upon to help improve my situation?

15- What would the closest person to me say is their favorite thing about me?

16- How do you show the people in my life that I care about them?

17- What am I most proud of about myself?

18- What do I know about myself that lets me know I can achieve what I want?

19- What do I know about the situation that convinces me that it can be solved? And that I can solve it?

20- What helps me try to address the issue rather than giving up on a resolution?

21- What would I like to experience instead of these deep feelings?

22- How did you hold on to enough hope for change, even when the situation was not improving?

23- What are my hobbies/interests?

24- What are my core values?

25- What does it look like for me to thrive?

By asking yourself these questions and reflecting on your responses, you can begin the process of developing your personalized emotional toolkit. Continually help you manage and express your emotions in healthy and effective ways.

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