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Zen-Style Lifestyle for Wellness

How do you find balance in your life? Looking a little deeper than simply distinguishing your time between responsibilities and rest, where is your zen? To provide a more clear vision, zen is often described as a way of life where you are making the choice to embrace simplicity, mindfulness, kindness, and compassion. Easily incorporated into our daily lifestyles, zen living may offer you both mind and body 
wellness benefits. If you're interested in incorporating key aspects of living a zen lifestyle, mindfulness, simplicity, gratitude, and kindness are foundational concepts. By creating a more balanced way of living, a zen lifestyle encourages us to find common ground in all aspects of our lives, including our work, relationships, and leisure time for a harmonious existence. Here are ways you can embrace a zen-style lifestyle for wellness.

Information is provided for informational purposes and not intended to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. This content may contain affiliate links.

Zen-Style Lifestyle for Wellness

Grounding in Zen Foundations

Mindfulness is the practice of maintaining focus on only the present moment without any judgments. Various methods of strengthening mindfulness include meditation, yoga, tai chi, or simply focusing on your breathing.

Simplicity involves the choice to live with less while showing true appreciate the people and belongings we have in our lives. Many begin to demonstrate the need for a simpler way of living by decluttering homes, getting rid of unnecessary possessions, and focusing more on personal experiences rather than material possessions.

Embracing gratitude is a means of being grateful for circumstances in our lives, big and small. Thankfulness can help us to better appreciate the present moment, finding joy in our everyday lives. Opening your front door, stepping into supportive insoles for plantar fasciitis*, if necessary, then walk outdoors to enjoy the world around you.

Through kindness and compassion towards ourselves and others we embody gentleness with ourselves and other people. Our mindfulness of the impact our words and actions have on others and zen living benefits may help to-

Reduce Stress and Anxiety
Improve Focus and Concentration
Increase Self-Awareness
Improve Sleep Quality
Increased compassion and kindness

* Promotional shopping code DENISE75

Mindful Eating

When meal planning, consider well-balanced options providing you with a source of protein, fiber, fat, and carbohydrates. Sometimes meals may be a little unbalanced, however, strive to include an assortment of nutrients your body needs. During those times when you realize that you're eating meals too quickly, understand that your brain may not necessarily have enough time to process the amount of food you have eaten or how full your stomach is at the moment. 

Consider mindful eating practices by slowing down your pace and reduce distractions while you eat and drink. Try eating each bite slowly and deliberately, helping you to focus more intently on your food and your own internal hunger cues.
Avoiding snacks completely is not a realistic goal, find healthier snacks and store them out of sight in your refrigerator or pantry as opposed to conveniently accessible. Adding better-for-you snacks, such as Humble Potato Chips, for more sustainable snacking may also be beneficial to your wellness goals.

Humble Chips Mission

To Humbly help snack eaters give back and pay it forward to our environment and future generations, one delightful chip at a time. 

Humble Potato Chips uses only locally farmed, organic potatoes, with the all-natural, organic seasonings. Enjoy a healthful, certified organic, gluten-free snack packaged in 100% BPI Certified compostable bags for more responsibility and sustainability in snacking choices.
Healthy Hydration

It's essential to our wellbeing to carefully monitor our water intake for proper hydration levels. Water is important for our health for so many reasons ranging from overall hydration to  sustaining your energy reserves. It is also important to note that there are times when you may believe that you feel hungry when you might actually be thirsty. A good rule of thumb for you to use is if you feel hungry, first drink a glass of water. If your feelings of hunger go away, you were actually thirsty. If you’re still feeling hungry, it's probably time to eat.

For those times when you're feeling as if your need an additional energy boost, BioLift™
 is an all-natural, low glycemic drink with less caffeine than a cup of decaffeinated coffee. Deriving flavor and efficacy from natural ingredients, including gingko biloba, elderberry, guarana, and carob, BioLift is a clean, functional beverage without resulting in energy jolts or crashing effects on performance.

Zen-Style Lifestyle for Wellness

Herbal plant-based, vegan, and cruelty-free cream blended with over 11 herbs and botanicals, including Arnica Montana, Camphor Oil, Clove Oil, Menthol (less than 3%), Tea Tree Oil, and Matcha Green Tea. "Oki Doki features a lineup of plant extracts working in synergy to blend the two elements necessary for overcoming injuries: cooling to reduce inflammation and pain and warming to increase fresh blood flow, stimulating the body’s natural ability to heal."

Adding plants can help to boost mood and reduce stress, improve air quality, and bring the beauty of nature indoors. "Taking its cues from the wonderful world of online dating, Houseplant Hookups explores the pros and cons of cohabitating with different houseplants. The perfect gift for any plant or gardening enthusiast, these illustrated dating profiles are as hilarious as they are informative."

Recommended reading for little learners. "Introduce little ones to the world of wonder with Woo Woo Baby, a series of mystical board books for modern babies." 

Woo Woo Baby Chakras highlights the colors, qualities, and emotions associated with each chakra, and will empower even the youngest children to be in touch with their amazing energy centers.

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