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Disinfecting and Cleaning Tips to Fight Germs in Your Home

Where is the most neglected area in your home when it comes to regular cleaning? There's a great deal of effort required for us (some more than others) to keep our homes clean and as germ-free as possible. Many times there are common
infirmities that circulate through households or common areas that may be prevented while cleaning, and more importantly with proper disinfecting practices. Routine cleaning is certainly important for maintaining a sense of organization and order, however, it's also important for the health and well-being of you, your family, and your friends. We researched to find useful tips, you can use to help keep your home clean and fight germs to reduce the risks of illness for yourself and your family. Here are a few general tips to take when disinfecting and cleaning to fight germs during your household clean-ups.

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Disinfecting and Cleaning Tips to Fight Germs in Your Home

Cleaning or Disinfecting

When we're cleaning, we remove the accumulating dust and dirt from surfaces using our most effective cleaning products. While cleaning helps to greatly reduce the amount of germs found on the surfaces, you may be surprised to learn not all germs are destroyed. Avoiding the use of harsh chemicals is a growing concern for many of us. Natural cleaning products are often safer for your health and the environment.

The process of disinfecting will actually kill harmful germs lingering about on most surfaces through the use of specifically labelled disinfectant products. Common areas where there is a higher risk of spreading germs—kitchen, bathroom, any room where anyone has been unwell would be ideal places to disinfect. Another practical bit of advice is to be certain to keep your home well-ventilated to help prevent the growth of dangerous mold and mildew.

Cleaning Tips

- Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before and after cleaning, eating, using the bathroom, or sneezing, coughing, or blowing your nose.

- Wear protective gloves when in contact with bodily fluids or harsh chemicals.

- Regularly wipe clean any high-contact surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, faucets, remote controls, and tables.

- Remember to clean under and behind appliances and furniture, where dust may accumulate.

- Vacuum your carpets and rugs on a regular basis to reduce the presence of dust, dirt, and allergens.

- Mop hard floors as necessary with a disinfectant cleaner.

- Wash dishes promptly after use, remembering to sanitize  dishes if someone in your household isn't feeling well.

- Use hot water to wash laundry, including towels, bedding, and clothes used by anyone that hasn't been feeling well.

- Empty all trash cans regularly and wash as needed to keep them clean.

Disinfecting Tips

- Carefully read and follow instructions for proper use of any disinfectant product.

- Allow the disinfectant remain on the surface for the recommended amount of time to effectively kill germs.

- Kitchen sponges can harbor bacteria and should be washed during a cycle in the dishwasher or placed in microwave on high for one minute to kill germs. Never use the same sponge to wash dishes and clean countertops. 

- Cutting boards should be washed in hot water with a disinfecting cleaning product to be properly cleaned.

- Your cell phone should be taken into the bathroom as little as possible. If you're interested in using a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) solution. Prepare a DIY mixture of 50% distilled water and 50% white vinegar, sprayed onto a damp cloth to wipe your phone. Do not spray the solution directly on your phone. 

- Any doorknobs, light switches, and handles should be disinfected with a disinfectant wipe or spray about once a week.

- Did you know that makeup and cosmetic brushes contain germs and bacteria? Hot water is best to use when regularly washing and disinfecting them to best protect our eyes, lips, and skin. 

- Wet laundry can be a common place to find mold, mildew, and bacteria. It's best to place your clean clothes into the dryer or hang clothing up to dry as soon as possible.

- Many carpets and rugs may contain bacteria deep below the surface, which vacuuming doesn't adequately remove. With a deep steam-cleaning more than the surface layer of carpeting can be cleaned.

- Remember to store your toothbrush in a well-ventilated area to allow it to dry between uses. Toothbrushes should be replaced about every 3 months and after sickness.

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