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Spirited Message of Hope and Mental Health Families Need Today

Let’s begin with the word season. If I were to think back to my first thoughts when I heard the title for the empowering and elegant movie, What Rhymes With Reason. Once a friend and I were discussing the highs and lows of life, during our discussion she shared with me a word of advice I have always carried along with me close to my heart. Opening my mind to a brilliant perspective, I’ve always remembered to consider that each person that comes into our lives is there for either a reason, a season, or a lifetime. Life has proven this gem to hold up to truth time and time again. Delivering an endearing coming-of-age meets adventure meets drama storyline of teenagers on a modern day epic quest, we were honored to see an advanced screening of the movie—What Rhymes With Reason, further demonstrating the validity of this sentiment. Envisioned from the mantra—"We're better together", What Rhymes With Reason is the spirited message of hope and mental health that families especially need to experience today.

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Spirited Message of Hope and Mental Health Families Need Today

Following a tragic loss, a group of high school teens set off on an epic escapade with the mission of discovering a mysterious, legendary local hideaway somewhere out in the wilderness. As the teens navigate their way through this adventure, much like in life, deeper, sometimes darker, truths come to light. 

Venturing beyond our comfort zone is often the area where we find personal growth and development. Lifechanging events shared between friends are interwoven to craft a once in a lifetime cinematic adventure. Confronting real-life barriers to mental health conversations that need to be had sooner rather than later, What Rhymes With Reason is a valuable and insightful resource. 

Anyone much like myself, that watches classic family movies like The Goonies or Stand By Me every chance they get will enjoy that same spirit of adventure in combination with the culturally relevant topics of teen depression, anxiety, and self-identity. WRWR takes us along on a family-friendly journey with a dynamic group of young adults learning to unite as inspirational, wounded healers.

Navigating off the beaten path into the unknown together, this cheeky squad bonds with one another as a support system. These treasure hunters dig deep within themselves to find the brilliance of hope in the midst of painful life events.

Trust me when I quote a line from the movie and popular saying, they grow up so fast... Opening up a safe space for our younger to freely share our innermost thoughts and feelings sometimes presents challenges. Loneliness and isolation may seem easier than vulnerability when life gets to be tougher than we expected. Finding your "people" to be the ones to see you, hear you, and be there for you makes a world of difference. It can never be said enough—together we are better. 

Experience What Rhymes With Reason as a family or with friends to help continue mental wellness conversations. WRWR is NOW available on Amazon and all major digital platforms to rent and own!

* * * Exclusive Giveaway * * *

We are thrilled to announce an exclusive giveaway in partnership with What Rhymes With Reason + FrontGate Media!

Enter to win- Stylish Tumblers, Exclusive CDs, $100 Amazon Gift Cards, and many more surprises HERE!

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