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Lucky #7 Fun Facts from Rick and Morty: The Complete Seventh Season

Quite some time ago the journey began with Seasons 1-4, followed by Season 5, then there was Season 6, leading to yet 
another intergalactic adventure across the multi-verse in award-winning animated series Rick and Morty: The Complete Seventh Season. Fan-favorite comedy series from Adult Swim, Rick and Morty has won two Emmy Awards and received five Emmy nominations, ranking as one of the #1 watched animated comedies. America’s favorite wacky scientist, Rick and Morty plus his other grandchildren are on a mission in ten hilarious Season 7 episodes, with special features, and more. Here's a fun fact- Look and listen closely, Rick and Morty is notorious for sneaking in hidden messages and easter eggs. Be on the lookout for quick visuals, subtle jokes, and even messages encoded in seemingly random symbols. Also, Rick and Morty are sort of based on Doc Brown and Marty McFly from Back to the Future. Makes sense... It's time for these lucky number 7 fun facts from Rick and Morty: The Complete Seventh Season!

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Lucky #7 Fun Facts from Rick and Morty: The Complete Seventh Season

"It’s season seven, and the possibilities are endless: what's up with Jerry? EVIL Summer?! And will they ever go back to the high school?! Maybe not! But let’s find out! There's probably less piss than last season. “Rick and Morty,” 100 years! Or at least until season 10!"

Brilliantly blending pop culture, adult humor, and witty wordplay, Rick and Morty is an epic animated series features content suited for a mature audience. Revolving around Rick and Morty's interdimensional adventures, tag along as they travel away on adventurous trips to strange new worlds, alternate realities, and dangerous circumstances. Each quirky adventure introduces outrageous creatures, wacky gadgets, and strange encounters.

While exploring infinite realities is a core concept, the duo rarely ventures into traditional time travel narratives. Despite their dysfunctional dynamic, Rick and Morty bond as a family through it all. While Rick's inventions and disregard for consequences often lead to hilarious and sometimes dangerous situations.

Rick and Morty: The Complete Seventh Season features-

- 10 Inside the Episodes (Featurettes) – Take a deeper look into each of the ten episodes from the season.

- Directing Unmortricken (Featurette) - Jacob Hair walks us through the challenges of making one of the most ambitious and action-packed episodes in the series history, centered on the climatic showdown between Rick and his arch-nemesis.

- The Characters of Season 7 - A wide-ranging look at how the character team crafted this season’s most impressive and challenging new designs. For example, how did the team create Jerricky, which consists of fusing two iconic characters together.

- Inside Season 7- A deep dive on S7’s biggest story shifts and reveals, plus an overall look at the making of the season from the perspective of various members of the crew.

Rick and Morty: The Complete Seventh Season will be available to purchase on Steelbook Blu-ray, Blu-ray and DVD both online and in-store at major retailers. The series is also now available to purchase Digitally from Amazon Prime Video, AppleTV, Google Play, Vudu and more.

Rick and Morty 

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