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The True Story of Healing the Heart of a Pastor's Kid

Perfection is an illusion. An illusion is an extraordinary perspective of the ordinary. Quite often as we are interacting with family, friends, and the people we encounter throughout life, we tend to compare our entire lives to a small glimpse of someone else's life. I want desperately to be able to believe in the possibility of a happily-ever-after fairy tale lifestyle, how about you? It must be nice... In reality, we all are managing the highs and lows of life. What the illusion of perfection doesn't reveal is the reality of life's chaotic moments, failures, and insecurities that exist just beyond picture perfect images. We had the honor of partnering with Ironside Films to view an advanced screening of the movie Pastor's Kid. Showcasing the unique experience of Riley, a pastor's kid  authentically sharing her journey and the true story of the healing of her heart. It is important to note that the empowering message of Pastor’s Kid is reflectively crafted as a cinematic art house movie, which is rated R for language and drug/alcohol abuse.

Thank you to the promotional team for Pastor's Kid and FrontGate Media for the courtesy of providing a courtesy advanced screening for editorial purposes. This content may contain affiliate links. #ChristianArtHouse #RawFaith #NeverTooFar

The True Story of Healing the Heart of a Pastor's Kid

Pastor's Kid*

*Please Note - Pastor’s Kid is rated R for language and drug/alcohol abuse.

"In this raw true story of faith and redemption, college student, Riley, runs from her painful past of abuse and religious hypocrisy.  However, God has other plans for Riley when an unforeseen circumstance compels her to confront the very source of her anguish – her estranged mother. Faced with the choice to either continue running from her demons or confront them head-on, Riley embarks on a powerful journey of faith, redemption, and healing. As she unravels the layers of her painful childhood, Riley discovers the transformative power of forgiveness and the strength to break free from the chains of her past."

Modern and captivating, the movie Pastor’s Kid is based upon the true story of Riley and her mother, Karen. By t
ruthfully unveiling the illusion of the ideal family, Pastor's Kid opens up to the reality of the challenges of substance abuse and family dynamics. I have seen many faith-based stories depicted in movies and the authenticity of Pastor's Kid is about as real as it gets.

My interest in Pastor's Kid stems from the vulnerability shared in Riley's story. Opening up to reveal her personal pain points  leading to her lifechanging testimony delivers a timely message many are in need of being able to witness. Directed by Benjamin Ironside Koppin, Pastor's Kid features-

Courtney Bandeko (CW’s Legacies)  | Riley 

College student, Riley must decide whether to dive back into her past of religious hypocrisy or continue down the road she has been going, hiding from her broken childhood. 

Krista Morin (Hulu’s The Handmaid’s Tale) | Karen

Karen was an alcoholic while Riley was a child but when Karen hit rock bottom, became a Christian and then an Executive Pastor, Riley’s entire world was turned upside down. Karen now wishes to reconnect with her estranged daughter who is following in her destructive footsteps.

James C. Burns (HBO’S Euphoria) | James

James struggles to keep his new daughter in-line while maintaining a healthy relationship with his wife. James wrestles with the idea of both justice and mercy when it comes to his new family.

Experience the true story of Pastor's Kid for a lifechanging message.

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