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Sustainability Fails | Eco-Friendly Recycling Tips for Green Living

Let's sort out the real deal recycling tips we all need to know to do our parts in eco-friendly living. Separating our recyclable items is a sustainable solution to reducing trash and working to protect the environment. Most of us are doing the work to reduce, reuse, and recycle, however, there are common mistakes leading to contaminated recycling. Placing your recyclable items in bags may help with storage or transport, however, plastic bags destroy recycling facility machineryDid you know food-soiled items, like pizza boxes with grease or uncleaned containers with leftover food can ruin the recycling process, leading to additional trash sitting in the landfill? Read on before heading out to recycle, avoid these sustainability fails with our eco-friendly recycling tips for green living.

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Sustainability Fails | Eco-Friendly Recycling Tips for Green Living

Being a sustainability fail isn't as bad as it may seem simply because you're taking action and learning throughout the green living process. First, it's wise to take time to familiarize yourself with your local recycling guidelines. This is one way to avoid placing non-recyclable items or contaminants in your recycling bin. Let's make our sustainability efforts a positive impact to the recycling process. Here are a few tips-

Glass (Clean) Recyclables

Beverage Bottles

Wine Bottles

Ketchup Bottles

Sauce Bottles

Canning Jars

Fails- Including questionable or non-recyclable items like drinking glasses, mirrors, light bulbs, ceramics or plexiglass in the recycling bin can effect quality and cause safety hazards at recycling facilities. When in doubt, it's best to check with your local guidelines or throw it away with your regular trash.

Plastic Recyclables

Dairy Containers

Beverage Bottles

Water Bottles

Shampoo Bottles

Dishwashing Containers

Laundry Detergent Containers

Bleach Bottles- Yes

Containers Labeled #1 or  #2 - Yes

Fails- Many food and beverage pouches cannot be recycled because leftover food inside and because they're made from combined layers of plastic and aluminum. Plastic bags can be recycled only in appropriately labeled collection receptacles and never along with recycling items. Plastic bags, clothing, ropes, yarn, light strands, garden hoses, wires, chains, blinds, and cords become tangled and wrapped around other items and machinery. 

Metal Recyclables

Beverage Cans

Aluminum Products


Fails- Batteries, electronics, cellphones can be recycled as e-waste, however, never should be tossed in with general recyclables, as they may cause fires in containers, vehicles, or at recycling facilities. 

Paper Recyclables



Junk Mail

Glossy Flyers


Copy Paper

Shipping Boxes

Food Packaging Boxes 

Shoe Boxes

Fails- Most receipts are printed on thermal paper that is not recyclable. Whenever possible skip printed receipts and request digital receipts.

Common Recycling Fails

These items are commonly made mistakes when sorting out recycling and should be placed in your regular trash receptacle.

Aerosol Cans

Animal Medical Cones


Bike Helmets

Bubble wrap





Credit/Gift Cards

Envelopes (Padded)

Envelopes (Plastic)

Face Masks


Frozen Food Bags/Boxes

Gas Cans

Glow Sticks

Holiday Lights

Ice Packs

Light Bulbs


Meat Packaging


Paint Brushes/Rollers

Paint Cans


Phone Cases


Pizza Boxes (Food/Oil)

Plastic (Foam, labeled No. 6)

Plastic (ABS, sometimes labeled "No. 7 Other")

Plastic Toys

Plastic Wrap

Pool Noodles

Popcorn Bags

Pots and Planters

Produce baskets


Razor Blades

Rubber Bands

Rubber Gloves

Shopping Bags (reusable)

Silica Packets

Silicone Products




Takeout containers


VHS Cassettes

Water Filters

Windshield wipers

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