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3 Impactful Ways You Can Celebrate United Nations Day

Our world is alive with a treasure trove of indescribable beauty, wonder, and mystery. Each and every person experiences our world in a different manner, influenced by our unique perspectives, emotions, and cultural experiences. My vision of life would be a completely different point of view for you, adding to the observing and understanding the diversity of our world. Serving to bridge gaps by connecting us to one another, the United Nations is an international organization currently formed by 193 Member States. F
ounded in 1945, the initiatives of the UN are guided by the Three Pillars of the United Nations—Sustainable Development, Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues, and  Peace & Security. Our world, as well as the important work of the United Nations have all changed with time, however, the UN continues to stand as no other organization. This is the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations are able to come together to discuss global issues, and work toward solutions that benefit all of humanity.  Each year on the UN's birthday, October 24th is recognized as United Nations Day. Representing the indescribable goal of hope, UN Day keeps alive our work towards a world where we end violence, promote tolerance, advance development, ensure equality, protect human rights, and alleviate poverty. Here are five impactful ways that you can celebrate United Nations Day.

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3 Impactful Ways You Can Celebrate United Nations Day

1- Learn About Our World

Revealing the world at your fingertips, we are learning so much about geography and so much more in the educational book, Indescribable Atlas Adventures by Louie Giglio and illustrated by Nicola Anderson and Lynsey Wilson. We learned so much by searching through more than 50 easy-to-read, informative maps. My son loves studying geography and he enjoyed taking his own adventures to the seven continents and over 50 countries. Indescribable Atlas Adventures features maps, more than1500 facts, and cultivates global awareness. Each map includes-

- overviews of population, languages, and prominent features

- key facts about capital cities, national wildlife, and foods

- notable people and their amazing achievements

- terrain, climate, wildlife, contributions to space exploration, cultural hallmarks, and Christian traditions 

- inspirational devotional thoughts, prayers, and memory verses 

Learn About the United Nations

UN Photo/Manuel ElĂ­as

United Nations Day honors the anniversary of the date when the UN became formally established in October 24, 1945. With the ratification of the Charter by the founding members, including the five permanent members of the Security Council, the United Nations officially took form. Visit the UN website or NYC Headquarters to learn more information. While you're visiting the UN, I personally recommend visiting the lower level to find free information materials, including posters, booklets and fact sheets.

Be an Activist

"The observance of UN Day serves as a reminder that the world is our common home and through dialogue and cooperation among all, our problems could be solved." 
                                                                    -United Nations

You can make an impact. You are an important part of activism and your support makes such a difference in our world. Every action toward global hope contributes to our climate of change in our world. Connect with a United Nations Diplomat to ask how you can help, display the UN flag, volunteer with a charitable organization, or coordinate your own community event to help make an impactful celebration of UN Day.

Check out Indescribable Atlas Adventures: An Explorer's Guide to Geography, Animals, and Cultures Through God's Amazing World, and these other books from Pastor Louie's Indescribable Kids series-

About The Author

Louie Giglio is the pastor of Passion City Church and founder of the Passion movement, which inspires a generation to live for Jesus. Since 1997, Passion Conferences has gathered college students across the U.S. and globally, with over 50,000 attending in person and 1 million online in 2022. Louie has authored over a dozen bestselling books, including Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table and Indescribable: 100 Devotions About God and Science. Known for impactful messages like "Indescribable" and "How Great Is Our God," Louie is an Atlanta native with degrees from Georgia State University, Baylor University, and Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Shelley, live in Atlanta.

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