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Top 10 Tips for Your Allergy Season Survival Guide

Do your wear your shoes while indoors or do you take off your shoes as soon as you enter the door? I know, it's the great debate—outside of cultural traditions, of course. In our home, it's a footloose and fancy feet (or something like that). We're a shoe-free zone for a variety of reasons. Aside from the preference for leaving outdoor dirt at the door, seasonal allergies are a terrible time for us. Rural living has not easy, especially during those pipe-freezing winters and during Spring and Fall allergy seasons. The perspective of viewing allergies as a superpower is a positive spin I choose to twirl far away from personally. As I drop to my knees with my itchy, teary, red-rimmed eyes glaring toward the skies, shouting between sneezes and nose blows, "Why me?" While we may never know why, allergies are our body's immune system reacting to allergens or triggers, such as pollen, pet dander, or certain foods. When we're exposed to our allergens, our immune systems mistakenly identify a threat. As a result, the  release of histamine causes symptoms like sneezing, itching, hives, or more severe anaphylactic reactions. Take notes to keep up-to-date information with these top ten tips for your allergy season survival guide.

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Top 10 Tips for Your Allergy Season Survival Guide

If you're like me and affected by allergies, then you may be able to empathize with the discomforts of allergy symptoms. A few common allergens include-

Environmental- Pollen, Mold, Dust Mites, and Pet Dander

Food- Nuts, Shellfish, and Dairy Products

Medications- Antibiotics, Aspirin, or Other Drugs

Insect stings- Bee or Wasp Stings

Here are 10 basic Dos and Don'ts for you to include in your allergy season survival guide.

1- Do plan outdoor activities in the earlier and later hours of the day. Daily pollen counts are highest in the morning and during dry, windy.

2- Don't make outdoor plans during windy weather. When pollen is in the air try adding a hat and sunglasses to your outfit. Reduce pollen in your home by changing your clothes as soon as possible.

3- Do close windows or use the air conditioner on days with higher pollen counts to help filter out allergens. A bit of fresh is refreshing, however, high pollen days may not be an ideal time for allergy sufferers.

4- Don't allow your pet to snuggle in your bedroom, to minimize allergens in your bedroom. Also change your bedding more often to wash away bothersome allergens.

5- Do shower, wash your hair, and toss your clothing into the laundry as soon as possible. Dry your clothes indoors rather hanging your laundry outdoors to dry in the fresh air.

6- Don't decorate with excessive furniture, fabrics, r other items which may collect allergens and dust. Try not to forget to routinely change out your heater, humidifier, and air conditioner filters.

7- Do speak with your healthcare provider about the need for prescription or over-the-counter medications, including antihistamines, nasal sprays, and decongestants.

8- Don't make the decision to work outdoors in the garden or mow the lawn on days with higher than normal pollen counts, if possible. Instead, opt to spend as much time as possible inside until pollen counts are lower.

9- Do monitor your local forecasts for daily pollen levels online or using a mobile app.

10- Don't forget to leave your pollen-tracking shoes at the door. Is there really anything to debate?

Medical Disclaimer - The medical information on this site is provided as an information resource only, and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any healthcare decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition.

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