Featured Editorial

More than an Average Joe

Rarely do I ever start by zooming through to the ending, however, this is the perfect time to give it a try. One of the last lines of the movie Average Joe is when Joe asks his wife, Denise- "Do you think they'll actually make a movie about us?" His wife never misses a beat as she responds, "I don't think so, it's a longshot." Immediately after Joe knowingly looks directly into the camera, smirks, and chants,"Hoo-rah! That's a movie moment that was both ironic and iconic for me. There are so many quotable moments in the movie Average Joe, which we were given the honor of viewing an advanced screening. Sharing the story of events taking place when the local school district where Joe Kennedy coached the football team requested him to make a personal change. Joe believed that the school district was infringing upon his rights. Having stepped away from his military career, protecting the freedoms we're entitled to was his call to action. We hope that you're as inspired as we were by Average Joe - The Unwavering True Story of Coach Joe Kennedy, who's so much more than an Average Joe.

Many thanks to Average Joe for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are completely my own.

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More Than an Average Joe

Average Joe

High school football coach Joe Kennedy had no other choice but to fight. A childhood in foster care followed by 20 years in the Marine Corps was nothing compared to his biggest battle: his commitment to stand for God publicly by taking a knee in prayer after each game. When he was fired, Joe and his wife Denise knew this battle for religious freedom, freedom of speech, and the rights of all Americans was one they would have to fight—no matter the cost. From the director and producers of God’s Not Dead and the producers of The Blind comes AVERAGE JOE, in theaters beginning October 11.

While growing up with his adoptive family, young Joe often experienced challenging times in a home with little emotional support. Finding friendship with his neighbor, Denise. Soon inspired by Denise to pray, Joe believed Denise was the influence he needed in his life.

Joining the United States Marine Corps, Joe found unity, his sense of purpose, and discipline. Building his strength of character, Joe developed leadership traits which, in time formed the foundation of his belief system. 

In time, married to Denise and unexpectedly offered a high school football coach position, “Coach Joe” demonstrated his tough love and leadership to his team on and off of the field. Modeling fortitude and faith, Coach Joe made a call which would forever change football and history. 

Buy your tickets to be inspired by Average Joe, the true story of Coach Joe Kennedy and his fight for freedom in theaters October 11!

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