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Life and Death Revealed in His Final Answer

Well, we'll just see where we land is a very common response to deliver or receive in response to questions regarding plans for the future. Sharing a neutral, wait-and-see perspective allows for us to proceed with an open mind, free from any preconceived opinions. Stemming from this concept, landing and expanding has become a very symbolic phrase in my life. Let's see where we land, then we can expand our resources to best prepare to move forward accordingly. All of these thoughts come to mind as I was in the process of reading the captivating book, His Final Answer. Written by Christopher D. White and Jennifer Curran, is "a story about the wrath of tragic grief and how self renewal is the key for any future possibilities or reconciliation of the past." Leading us along on an emotional quest layered with heartfelt sentiments where life and death are revealed in His Final Answer.

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Life and Death Revealed in His Final Answer

"His Final Answer" by Christopher D. White and Jennifer Curran is a heartfelt novel inspired by the true stories of those who have experienced deep loss. The idea for the book came after hearing an interview with a famous actor who, despite his outward optimism, revealed the immense grief he still felt years after losing his son. This struck a chord with the authors, especially as they saw friends facing similar heartbreak after losing a child.

Enmeshed is the vivid reality of Daniel Pallson, lead character in His Final Answer, on more than one occasion, I would reread the book cover to remind myself that this novel is not based on a true story. Phenomenally, authors White and Curran, managed to capture and release human experiences in a true-to-life manner that accurately mirror images reality.

Human life experiences can seem to present in a particular manner from outward appearances or an overview of facts and figures. Our circumstances and emotions drive our course of actions in unimaginable directions. Strong characters evolving in a brilliantly enriched world create the perfect storm for a compelling story to be remembered long after reading the final word or adding your final answers in the included Notes section. 

Curious to know what is His Final Answer? Purchase the novel on Amazon and online in paperback, special color illustrated edition, ebook, and audioboook! 
Enter to win a copy of "His Final Answer" by Christopher White and Jennifer Curran sponsored by FrontGate Media HERE!

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