A miracle is defined as an extraordinary event which seems to be impossible to experience by natural or scientific laws or explanations. Quite often the phenomenon of a miraculous event is attributed to divine intervention, a streak of good luck, or an unexplained force. Those of us fortunate enough to witness the wonders of a miracle discover the vast expanse between scientific advancements and the power of faith. As a young girl, I am able to clearly remember having moments in my life where most remarkable occurrences were far beyond any explanations reality would ever be able to provide. Without a doubt, I believe in and have seen miracles happen. Through our understanding of the ways in which our spiritual truths supersede scientific truths—there is unlimited opportunity for us to expect the unexpected. We were given the courtesy of viewing an advanced screening of the movie, I Am Living Proof sharing the experiences of real people and the real miracles which have transformed their lives forever. A Miracle Is Only The Beginning...
Many thanks to I Am Living Proof the Movie for providing a sample of the product for this review. Opinions are completely my own. This content may contain affiliate links.
I Am Living Proof | Real People and Real Miracles
Highlighting the lives of three struggling individuals, I Am Living Proof is a documentary directed by Bob Maddux. Coming from all walks of life to assemble as one within intimate or massive tents, traveling preachers, like Mario Murillo bring tent revivals filled hope to the faithful.
Seeking a blessing during challenging times, the documentary introduces—Bri, Steve, and Mary.
Bri found her life pivoted in a drastic turn of events when her health compromises her academic pursuits leading to thoughts of ending her life.
Steve was injured in an accident while at work which led him to substance dependency and sadly, a suicide attempt.
Mary suffers from a spinal injury which diminished her ability to care for her five children until she was compelled to seek prayer.
Standing before Pastor Mario Murillo, real people, real miracles—Bri, Steve, and Mary were each able to find their lives unbelievably changed. As often happens with miracles, there are no words to adequately express their transformation, gratitude, or faith.
A Miracle Is Only The Beginning... Buy your tickets today to see I Am Living Proof in theaters March 9th HERE!
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